mechanical failures, e.g. Can you drive your brand new car without an OR/CR? Use a low gear to help slow your vehicle down. An experienced commentator points out potential hazards facing drivers and suggests ways that drivers could respond safely. New rules coming soon In 2020, the Federal Motor Carriers Association (FMCSA) will introduce Entry-Level Driver Training (ELDT) to enhance current driver training and increase fleet safety on the roads. Gently pumping the brakes may help during front-wheel skids, by shifting weight forward onto the front tires. Further training as necessary in the actual workplace. Once the vehicle begins to straighten out, counter-steer in the opposite direction, Solomon says. A good rule of thumb is to add an extra second of following distance to the recommended three seconds for most drivers. Organized into an easy-to-follow checklist, this information can be printed off and revisited as often as needed; you may wish to read through it again before taking your car onto a freeway. Parked cars ahead on our left. If you need to brake suddenly, the car is likely to collide with yours. Mapping out your trip in advance will minimize stress and ensure you do not miss vital exits on the freeway. Vehicles approaching. Trying to look through the car in front or under the car in front. During winter months in colder states, some roads will be impassable without snow chains. Pedestrian on our right. Pedestrian on our right. Subscribe to get the latest news, industry trends, blog posts, and updates. If youre at full capacity, know that the weight is going to be pushing you downhill. Car waiting to enter on our left. licence entitlement for class of vehicle, ongoing competence assessments); and any risks that might be specific to individual drivers or their driving circumstances (e.g. When your rear wheels skid, this is known as oversteering. It's important to learn how to recognise and avoid hazards while driving to improve road safety for yourself and other road users. It makes for fine gothic horror movies and 80s music videos, but fog is otherwise a hazard. Following workmans utility up the hill. This presents a risk of falling from height.Securing loadsUnrestrained loads can increase the risk of vehicle rollover and load spillage, and risk the life of the driver and other road users. Be aware of hazardous conditions and always drive defensively. But if it suddenly turns warmer, make sure to let the air escape. Traffic islands, traffic lights, pedestrian on the footpath up ahead. Keep snow chains in your trunk. Maintenance of vehicles brakes; flashing beacons and horns; steering; tyres; leaks from hydraulic pipes; and correct operation of the vehicle.Choice of vehiclesVehicles should be appropriate for the work that is being carried out. You dont want power of any kind going to the wheels, Solomon says. The height of a fall may not be great but the risks are significant because of the working environment, whichinvariably involves hard surfaces such as concrete kerbs.Coupling of vehiclesIt is normally necessary for the vehicle driver to stand between the tractor unit and the trailer when connecting compressed air lines that serve the trailer brakes. Scan well ahead, look amongst the parked cars. Tractor on the right. Unfavorable weather and road conditions can create hazards that make driving difficult, and more dangerous. Dont. It may go back into the other lane. Know what gear you need to be in before going downhill. 1.5 H&S Management Systems Measuring, Audit, Review, 2.3 Musculoskeletal Hazards And Risk Control, 2.4 Work Equipment Hazards And Risk Control, 2.7 Chemical And Biological Health Hazards And Risk Control, 2.8 Physical And Psychological Health Hazards And Risk Control. one hazard associated with driving downhill is:i miss you text art copy and paste. Keeping a pair of sunglasses handy is the best solution, but there are a few other ways to cope. There may be barriers, cones, heavy equipment, temporary signs, signal lights and workers in the roadway, prior to, during and beyond work sites. The faster you are traveling, the greater the likelihood that hydroplaning will occur, as speed creates lift and reduces your cars grip on the surface of the road. There may be a fire nearby and smoke can cause asphyxiation. You can recover from an acceleration skid by easing your foot off the gas. After a heavy snowfall, you might return to your car to find the wheels surrounded by snow. To avoid getting stuck by the roadside in soaring temperatures, make sure your car is hot-weather ready before commencing your journey. Also, you should be able to maintain a safe speed on winding mountain roads. You also want to turn the wheel in the direction you want the front of the car to go. People dont always think of a torrential downpour the same way they think of a snowstorm, but heavy rain can impede visibility and cause hydroplaning, where the wheels come off the pavement and onto the surface of the water, causing drivers to lose control. My Blog one hazard associated with driving downhill is: . As they spin, they cant find any grip on the slick powder, and youre going nowhere fast. Watching for pedestrians. Be sure to put your hazard lights on to alert other drivers and recovery vehicles to your presence. If you cannot free your vehicle, call 911 and wait for assistance. List factors to be considered in assessing risks for the driver, journey and the vehicle? What to Do: If youre in deer country and its dark, you can try flashing your headlights to get a deers attention. What to Do: A little foresight is best here. Check traffic through your mirrors. Looking through the trees up ahead. Step 3: Evaluate the risk and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or more should be done. Keep speed to a minimum and drive gently when using snow chains. Traffic island. Car waiting to turn right. If youre stuck, make sure you have enough room to move the car forward and backward and that there isnt any snow blocking the exhaust pipe. Other road hazards like fog, deer, and road-hogging commercial trucks never seem to take a break. Wherepossible, one-way systems and/or turning circles should be incorporated into the design of vehicle routes to minimise the need for reversing. Lighting should also be adequate, and efforts should be made to minimise the number of blind corners, concealed entrances or other potential areas where poor visibility for vehicle drivers or pedestrians could create a risk. It is likely that much of the performance data will be reactive,Organisation and structureAll affected by the driving at work policy will need to understand their responsibilities and be equipped to fulfil themLegal responsibilities of individuals on public roadsEven when a vehicle is owned by a company, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that it is used in a legal and roadworthy condition rests with the individual driver. Vehicles changing lanes up ahead. What to Do: The big mistake people make with a sudden loss of pressure is to hit the brake and stop to save the tire, Solomon says. Having a vehicle riding too close to your rear bumper can be a nerve-wracking experience. Manual handlingHandling products can involve the frequent movement of some fairly substantial loadsLifting operationsOperations involving cranes or vehicle mounted lifting equipment (e.g. Slippery roads are the biggest challenge you will face when driving through ice or snow. Speed. Two lanes in the one direction. Which of the two options would you choose? Motive reviewed anonymized data aggregated from ELDs to determine routes with high instances of hard braking, cornering, and acceleration. This may make it run off the road. Watching the van, keeping an eye on that. fisheye) mirrors to increase visibility. Gradients or other changes in level should be kept to a minimum. Preserve your car's brakes. If youre behind one, they can make it difficult to see whats ahead. Many car dealerships, could be many pedestrians. All rights reserved. Ensuring traffic routes are suitable and sufficient for the types and volume of traffic that will be using them. Always check your pressure and bring a spare if possible. You should also keep a snow shovel and set of snow chains in your vehicle for emergencies. You will never be going too fast by doing this. Other road hazards like fog, deer, and road-hogging commercial trucks never seem to take a break. When driving on a grade that exceeds 10%, loaded trucks must drive with the load facing upward, regardless of whether a truck is traveling up or down a ramp. Car reversing out. Looking down the hill, pedestrians on our right. This will require that they are wide enough and, where appropriate, high enough to allow safemovements of vehicles. Looking amongst the trees. Always plan your escape routes and expect the unexpected. The feature is intended to assist you in maintaining control of the vehicle, by traveling at a safe speed downhill. Car entering on our right. In 2020, 16% of children age 14 and younger killed in traffic crashes were pedestrians. Pedestrians on the footpath on the right. Watch the speed when carrying a heavy load. If you ask us, we would rather take the uphill part of the drive because going downhill is harder. Improper Maintenance. Down is more dangerous. Brake failure B. Dehydration C. Engine overheating D. Velocitation. Turning, vehicles approaching. Most cars differ in their allowable operating range for hill descent assist, with some allowing you to go as slow as 3 mph or as fast as 38 mph. Braking in front. Opening the boot. Shift to reverse and repeat this step traveling backward. It may be a legal requirement to use them in certain situations. Of course, the number-one rule of defensive driving is to avoid unnecessary danger. If your journey involves using unfamiliar limited access highways, planning your route ahead of time is essential. Get access to free and research-validated resources for safety leaders who are ready to build an AI-driven safety program. If you ask us, we would rather take the uphill part of the drive because going downhill is harder. Helps smooth out driving by adjusting each wheels brakes with every turn. Bus approaching. Car turning left in front. You can get the details on .) Tire blowouts are typically caused by under-inflated tires. Drive with two hands on the wheel, put your emergency flashers on, check your mirrors, and get over to the right shoulder of the road if at all possible, Solomon says. Bright sunlight can impair your vision and even cause temporary blindness. Check your tire pressure at least once a week, especially in winter, when the pressure can drop. Many parked cars on our left. In front-wheel skids, this logic does not apply. When ascending on a steep hill, maintain a steady speed by applying more pressure on the accelerator. Road on the left. Fifty kilometres an hour suburban street. Up- or down-hill driving? If it sounds like there might be inclement weather the next day, Solomon tells Mental Floss, set your alarm an hour early. This early detection gives them more time to make a decision about the hazard and respond to it appropriately. Heres what he had to say. [There are a lot of] hard corners going down this mountain and if drivers are going too fast they may lose control, Boblett said. A hazard can be any possible source of danger on or near the road that could lead to a crash, and it can come from any direction. If this happens, the car could roll-over and fill up before you have a chance to react. Recognized as a Best Remote Large Places to Work. Old but still golden: 2023 Mitsubishi Mirage hatchback, First Drive | 2023 Kia EV6 GT-Line | Post Modern Philosophy, More than just a kit | 2023 Mitsubishi Xpander Cross, Breaking the mold: 2022 Chevrolet Tracker LT Redline, If the price is right: 2022 Chevrolet Trailblazer Premier, Three Tips on How to Safely Drive on Downhill Roads. Unsecured Loads. Motive serves more than 120,000 businesses, across a wide range of industries including trucking and logistics, construction, oil and gas, food and beverage, field service, agriculture, passenger transit, and delivery. If you continue driving, you can cause serious damage to your engine. Six inches of water can cause loss of control, 12 inches will float most vehicles and two feet will float pick-up trucks and SUVs. Car crossing ahead. May step out in front of us without thinking. This means you will have to apply them harder and harder to get the same stopping power. There are three factors contributing to this. If youre behind two, or in the middle of them, you might start to feel trapped. Workman probably on the right. Traffic lights again ahead. Car entering our lane. Lots of traffic markers. Some versions of hill descent assist will activate your brake lights when it activates; if yours doesnt, make sure to continue lightly holding the brake to ensure drivers behind you know you may be gradually slowing. Driving safely at night hinges on maintaining a reasonable speed, and appropriate use of headlights. Green light ahead. The majority of truck collisions are not the fault of the truck driver. And make sure theyre not being held back by your cleaning habits. ergonomic considerations, mileages that will be covered. Car pulling out. Preventive Measures: Dont attempt to travel down hills or other declines that are steeper than you would normally attempt to traverse when using hill descent assist. 1. Parked cars at the bottom. Drivers should avoid passing, crossing or merging with other lanes of traffic in foggy conditions, as limited visibility may lead you to misjudge another vehicles distance and speed. Braking in front of another driver B.) Once you have successfully installed the chains to your drive wheels, you will need to drive a short way to let them settle before adjusting them once more. There are additional rules, safety tips and considerations which all drivers must keep in mind when using limited access highways. Worn tires and incorrect tire pressure make hydroplaning a risk at lower speeds, so be sure to keep your tires in good condition. If a collision cannot be avoided, you must know how to minimize the impact of the crash to protect yourself and other drivers. vehicle merging into your lane or stopping suddenly in front of you. Youll wind up seeing less, Solomon says. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. Pedestrians on the right. (Note: The FMCSA may delay implementation until 2022. Rural Roads Have Lots Of Varying Surfaces If you have an automatic braking system (ABS), which is pretty much standard in most newer cars, you want to push the pedal down and wait for the car to regain traction. In addition, drivers would be required to sound the vehicle horn when entering or exiting buildings, negotiating blind cornersand/or reversing. Step 2: Decide who might be harmed. Crest of the hill, looking down the hill. A fleet safety solution that gets results. Many parked vehicles. More Traffic and Driving Hazards Statistics. Darkness, eyes need time to adjust. Pedestrian walking down the road on our left. Never leave children or animals in a car unattended on a hot day. Vehicles approaching. Vehicle condition: your brakes, steering, suspension, and cooling systems must be in good condition. If the tires sidewall blows out, the car will probably move in the opposite direction of the break. A worn tire at 2/32 of an inch is asking for a crash, as the stopping distance of a car is increased and traction is reduced. Getting behind the wheel without proper training can result in accidents, injuries, and workplace catastrophes. Cars approaching. Be mindful of slick roads and reduce your speed when the roadway is wet. Left lane appears to be ending. Car turning on our left. Fit your car with snow tires if you are likely to drive in winter conditions regularly. All it takes is a split second for someone to come into your lane without warning. Vehicles passing us on the right. Vehicles passing that may cross the centre line. Was the crash caused by the brakes burning out? Car approaching. Car waiting to pull out. Looking for pedestrians. The car still may pull out on the left. Speed: your speed should not be too fast for road and weather conditions. Water on the roads surface can seriously impede your vehicle control, while the rain itself impacts visibility. Some versions of this feature will operate while traveling downhill in reverse, such as reversing out of a driveway that was built on a hill. Docks & Ramps. Scanning the road well ahead. Could it have been avoided with better driver coaching? Car indicating to turn across our path. This vital conclusion to our highway driving section reiterates the safe highway driving practices you must adhere to, discusses the importance of planning for your trip and teaches you how to handle an emergency on the highway. Car waiting to pull out in front. Car may turn, car is crossing our path. Cars changing lanes. Watch for steep grade signs along the highways as well as speed limits. Frequent intersections B. Pedestrians and truck drivers in the road C. Soft shoulders Some of the hazards mentioned above (e.g. Thats a huge amount of weight hitting you.. 3. Allowing for the car turning left in front. Wet weather always makes driving more hazardous. Pumping the brake pedal repeatedly C.) Resting your foot on the brake pedal Get the Correct ANSWER Many parked cars, looking through the corner. It could be a: child chasing a ball onto the road. Vision's obscured. different driver categories and the associated risks (e.g. Entering into a bend. If necessary, you may lightly pump the brakes during a skid. If you are going too fast, it is often too late to downshift. May help smooth out your drive by adjusting your cars suspension system making it easier to brake and steer. brakes / tyre bursts. Due to the force of gravity, a car travelling downhill: May accelerate on its own if not controlled properly. Grime on headlights can make them up to 50 percent less effective and you will need them in tip-top condition when driving through heavy rain. Pedestrian crossing. If this happens, pour water over the engine and fuel lines and only attempt to restart the vehicle when it has cooled. Choosing not to drive in rain, snow or fog, at night or during any other hazardous conditions is always the smartest decision. Pedestrians wanting to cross the road. Using your brakes continually for an extended period of time may result in overheating, which could result in brake failure. Workman at the back of a vehicle. Commercial fleets save up to 13% on fuel costs, study shows. The driver would be involved in this process by undertaking periodic checks of tyre condition and pressures, windscreen wiper bladesThe journeyThe route that is taken can also have a significant impact on safety.Route planning should take into account other factors such as tunnels, level crossings or low bridges.SchedulingThe proper scheduling of journeys should also be given consideration. It must be fully charged to start the vehicle in freezing conditions. 2023 National Safety Council Checking for pedestrians on the footpath. View the short videos showing real life driving situations. Allowing for children that might ride out/step out. For instance, it is always better to avoid a head-on collision, as it is to collide with a stationary object rather than with one that is moving toward you. Pedestrian crossing the road. You must learn how to identify and compensate for these hazards, to protect yourself and other road users from harm. What It Does: Steady the cars speed when driving down a hill. Instead, ease off the gas pedal until you can feel your tires regain connection with the road. One way road. When parallel parking, you should select a space that is __________ as long as your car. Pedestrian on the footpath on the left. In both situations you should ease off the accelerator and brake, so that the wheels begin to roll and regain traction. The hill descent assist will ensure your vehicle doesnt reach an unsafe declining speed by further applying the brakes if needed. Brake failure B.) In a low gear, gently increase pressure on the accelerator to move the vehicle as far forward as possible, without allowing the wheels to spin. Going over the crest of the hill. If youre stuck between trucks on a three-lane highway, decrease your speed by about five miles and let both trucks overtake you. Car turning on our right. It means there have been problems with deer crossing the road., 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. Drivers are most at risk of sun glare in the mornings and late afternoons, when the sun sits low in the sky. You can estimate depth by sticking a penny upside-down in the tread: If the top of Lincoln's head is visible, it's time for new tires. (The bottom should still be pointed away from you and toward the windshield. Person crossing the road. The brake should lock up the rear wheels and allow the car to come to a stop. Again pedestrians on the left. The Motive Automated Operations Platform combines IoT hardware with AI-powered applications to automate vehicle and equipment tracking, driver safety, compliance, maintenance, spend management, and more. Driving in the rain can be every bit as dangerous as driving in icy or snowy conditions. Unfortunately, hazardous conditions can occur in any climate and during any season, despite your best efforts to avoid them. All fluids must be topped up, tires must be appropriately pressurized, and your battery should be in good condition and corrosion-free. Browse over 1 million classes created by top students, professors, publishers, and experts. Motive builds technology to improve the safety, productivity, and profitability of businesses that power the physical economy. Driving at night is far more difficult and dangerous than driving during the day, primarily because your visibility is dramatically reduced. Car turning on the left. You must learn how to identify and compensate for these hazards, to protect yourself and other road users from harm. It could be a: child chasing a ball onto the road parked car door opening vehicle merging into your lane or stopping suddenly in front of you slippery road surface after rain. US 278 GA/6 West of Atlanta This route is heavily traveled, has some downgrades, and sharp turns. Looking amongst the parked cars. Once the wheels are on the mat, try turning to get away from the snow. Cars entering this intersection. If I can, Ill signal, move to the right-hand lane, and that will generally take care of it. If you cant, wait for an intersection so you can make a right turn or drive into a service station. If the brakes become too hot, they may start to fade. All or part of the load may be damaged if it falls from the trailer. Vision is obscured there. It also increases the chance of losing control of the vehicle. Winter or summer, the sun sometimes has a way of shining through your windshield just the right angle to effectively blind you. Additional hazards could include stored energy in the form of compressedair, hydraulic systems or heat from engine components. Chad Boblett, owner of Boblett Brothers, LLC and Rate Per Mile Master, is an expert when it comes to trucking and fleet safety. Pedestrian crossing. Your ability to remain calm and take appropriate evasive action during such situations could mean the difference between life and death. Traffic lights up ahead. Pedestrian crossing in front of us, allowing for that. ; In fact, you will increase the life of your brakes by a few months (or even years, depending on how much steep downhill driving you do) if you simply use engine braking whenever possible rather than actually pressing the . In the worst case scenario, vehicles can roll over due to load shift as the vehicle can become unbalanced and overturn. Learn more about the Motive fleet safety solution. In addition to changing weather, be prepared for steep hills, windy roads, wildlife, and rocks in the roadway. I-5 between Medford, OR and Roseburg, OR This stretch of highway is a steady descent with sharp curves. Once youre in neutral, take your emergency braketypically a lever with a button on the side consoleand begin pumping it up and down. Scanning through the corner. An acceleration skid may occur if your drive wheels lose traction. Scanning both sides of the road, looking for the next hazard. Truck approaching. The onus for safety does not lie solely with the truck driver. Use a low gear when going downhill. Fueling. Headlights should be switched on to improve visibility and make sure your vehicle is seen by other road users. What are the risk factors associated with driving at work? Watching for anything the cyclist must suddenly avoid. This section summarizes those must-know highway driving techniques and safety practices. Every driver will occasionally find themselves in a situation where an accident or collision seems unavoidable. Pedestrians on both sides.
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