While it was initially unknown where ghosts go after they are destroyed, hunters generally believed it to be oblivion. Jo and Rufus captured Sam, thinking he was possessed. Dean picked up the exorcism and then Max and Alicia Banes when Dean was knocked out, but they were defeated as well. The remaining Leviathans heavily involved in the plan for humanity are slaughtered by Crowley and his army in the confusion, but Crowley indicates that there are more. It is revealed that Gerry is Gilda's master; he has unrequited feelings for Charlie and has bought a spellbook with which to control Gilda and force her to kill other players as part of a scheme to make Charlie fall in love with him. Buckley and Travis Wester, are self-proclaimed professional paranormal investigators. Rogue vampire Desmond tries to get Benny to join him, but Benny refuses and Desmond leaves a trail of bodies to try to get Benny to agree, drawing the attention of insane hunter Martin Creaser and Sam and Dean. As Mick and Mary watch, Sam kills the Alpha Vampire with the Colt. After a game of cat and mouse, Dean kills Olivia with a silver bullet from behind, but fires several more shots into her corpse, worrying Sam that Dean is being influenced by the Mark of Cain once again. In "The Big Empty", Jack shows grief counselor shapeshifter Mia the video and asks her to take his mother's form. In a final confrontation, Buddy tries to kill Sam with Dean's gun, but Jack deflects the bullet with telekinesis. Instead, Crowley orders Guthrie to follow Castiel and report back to him. He is also known to have worked as a torturer in Hell. He was able to figure out how to use Sam's cell phone, which he left behind (and which Colt sent back to him), and learned the date and Bobby's address from it. As a result, Kevin refuses to be talked down, though Jack and Mary Winchester survive the bombing. The Knights of Hell are resistant to the ancient demon-killing knife of the Kurds and holy water, and can only be killed by the First Blade. She manages to keep the rift open long enough for the Winchesters and their surviving allies to escape Apocalypse World without Lucifer. Vampires first appear in season 1's "Dead Man's Blood" where a group led by Kate (portrayed by Anne Openshaw) and Luther (portrayed by Warren Christie) attack and kill hunter Daniel Elkins and steal from him a legendary gun known as The Colt which is rumored to be able to kill anything. In "Byzantium," Sam calls Lily for help in hopes that she can translate Kevin Tran's notes on the angel tablet and find a way to bring back the deceased Jack. However, Ishim grew dangerously obsessed with Lily. Afterwards, feeling remorse for his actions, Cain took his own life, but the Mark resurrected him as a powerful demon. This event would haunt him for the rest of his life. Annie was kidnapped by vampires from her family at a young age, where she took the name Alex, and acted as bait for her vampire "family". In season 15's "Golden Time," Eileen returns as a ghost, revealing that the hellhound dragged her soul to Hell when she was killed. Raul catches up to Tiana and confronts her, leading to Tiana stabbing out Raul's right eye with a high-heeled shoe. And Then There Were None: Directed by Mike Rohl. I thought she'd have better taste. Standing over Mick's body, Doctor Hess announces that the experiment with the American hunters is a failure and they are going to kill the Winchesters now. In "Safe House", flashbacks show a case Bobby and Rufus worked together during the fourth season where Rufus called Bobby for help on an apparent haunted house. In season 13's "Unfinished Business," the Apocalypse World version of Kevin reveals that his version of Linda died in front of him during the Apocalypse. Bobby then finds another memory - Rufus ended up in a coma after the incident, and later him that he came out of it. Sam apologizes for not being able to save Nick or his victims, who will haunt Nick for the rest of his life. When Lucifer arrives at the Elysium Motel upon being summoned by Mercury, he kills Mercury and the pagan gods until only Kali remains. After explaining how he was able to get 10 confidential files on Bela through taking a picture of her ear from the security camera video, Rufus presents Dean with a manila folder on Bela, which gives Dean new and interesting detail into her past. In "Jack in the Box," Arthur is unable to attend Mary's hunter's memorial. Shortly afterwards, the werewolf attacks Claire in broad daylight and bites her. However, as part of the deal, Cain had to kill Abel personally. During this time, its revealed that the Shadow can't come to Earth unless it is directly summoned there due to precautions put into place by Chuck. Nick knocks Donna out with a stun gun and learns Mary's location from Donna's cell phone, but leaves her unconscious in the front seat of her police car rather than harming her further. God explains that after the Apocalypse was averted, He traveled the world but has grown tired of everything and intends to let Amara destroy the world while He works on His autobiography with Metatron's help. Claire and her mother are finally reunited and Claire tearfully embraces her rather than berating her like she'd planned. Upon arriving at the djinn's lair, Dean comes to the realization that he is not in an alternate reality after all but instead is in dream state while the djinn feeds on him. Nick then meets with the reporter who covered his family's murders in hopes of learning something useful. Asa was saved by hunter Mary Winchester who had come out of retirement briefly to tie up some loose ends, including killing the werewolf and stopping its killing spree. In season 12, a group known as the British Men of Letters developed an experimental cure using the live blood of the sire werewolf which member Mick Davies called plasma therapy. I am just reminiscing S1-2 maybe. They couldn't get anyone else so he called in Rufus's daughter. Believing it to be for the greater good, Dean agrees and calls Sam to their location. The Shadow accepts the deal, but warns that it will come to collect when Castiel is truly happy. Instead, Dean kills her by burning her in her own oven. In "Let the Good Times Roll" it is revealed in a conversation between Mary and alternate Bobby that Rowena and the alternate version of Charlie Bradbury from Apocalypse World are "road-tripping it through the Southwest" together. During the attack on the VIP club by an insane hunter, the man kills Marv by slashing open his throat and chest with handmade silver claws. As a result, shapeshifters that are evil consciously choose to be rather than because of some innate impulse. rufus and aretha supernatural. In "How to Make Friends and Influence Monsters", Dick visits an experimental facility run by a leviathan impersonation of one Dr. Gaines, disappointed by the newspaper articles stemming from the drugs used, and makes him eat himself. In season 12's "Stuck in the Middle (With You)" and "Family Feud," Lucifer is revealed to be imprisoned in Nick's body rather than the Cage after he was exorcised from the President of the United States in "LOTUS." Asmodeus calls Sam and threatens to destroy the bunker if Gabriel is not turned over to him in ten minutes. Annoyed that the priests have mistaken Anthony for him and by Anthony's antics, Lucifer questions Anthony regarding his choices. Sam and Dean warn them that Lucifer will overwhelm them. I enjoy Supernatural so much that my husband forced me to take a break after I did four workouts in one day. With a wave of His hand, Chuck causes Kevin's soul to ascend to its rightful place in Heaven. In "Trial and Error", Kevin reveals that while he sent Linda away, he still does talk to her on the phone, but all she does is cry. Demon mutations do not have to possess humans and can even materialize in the shape of a young girl to attract people nearby to kill them. In season 15's "Last Holiday," Jack discovers that Magnus rescued a wood nymph dubbed Mrs. Butters from the Thule and indoctrinated her into being a weapon against the Men of Letters enemies. At Nick's request, the reporter reveals that a man named Frank Kellogg was the beat cop in Nick's neighborhood at the time of the murders. However, when Dean calls her and threatens Toni if she doesn't turn over Sam, she sends Ms. Watt to kill him. When they are unable to reach Sam and Castiel, Dean allows Claire to join him in the rescue, even giving her a gun. Sam manages to evade the trap and knocks Gordon out. Rufus is currently the only hunter to have had a confirmed burial, and one of the very few recurring characters to have one. The Winchesters put a stop to this during the season finale, with Dean and Castiel killing Roman, which, as a side consequence, sends them to Purgatory. Unlike other demons, however, he is capable of summoning monsters, such as ghosts, zombies, etc. Henry's letter provides John with an address that promises to hold the answers that John seeks and a key to it. Chet (played by Sean Owen Roberts) is a Leviathan stationed at a credit card company. Rufus appears off-screen in "When the Levee Breaks", when he calls Bobby with news of more of the 66 Seals being broken. She places Anna under hypnosis, which restores to Anna her memories of being an angel. Becky's words causes Chuck to write a much darker ending, much to Becky's horror. He describes himself as 'bi-polar with delusional ideation'. Recognizing who Henry and Josie must have been, Sam is shocked to learn about the incident and discovers the truth about what Henry and Josie investigated which had been believed at the time to simply be a case of multiple demonic possessions. Throughout the seasons, the brothers work to fight evil, keep each other alive, and avenge those they have lost. Deities are god-like beings of different cultures that are also known as pagan gods. Bobby found Harvey's body in a coma and he mentioned that he "could feel the badness." [9] An encyclopedia on demons was used for research, with Binsfield's Classification of Demons inspiring "The Magnificent Seven's" storyline of seven demons being the physical embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. Dean kills the djinn as it tries to put Sam into a similar state and they rescue the young woman, the djinn's other victim, who survives. The Winchesters then learn from Metatron that God intends to sacrifice himself to the Darkness to save the universe rather than fight her. Crowley had a son named Gavin MacLeod, whose signet ring is was display in a museum in Andover. Sam quickly returns fire, killing Buddy. During the episode, Bobby and Rufus were reunited to investigate an increase in monster appearances. Arthur once more escapes confinement, just in time to use a demon bomb to drive Lucifer and Anael away, saving the Winchesters and Castiel. Mary eventually returns to the original world with the refugees from 'Apocalypse World', forming a tentative relationship with the alternate Bobby as they attempt to fight the threat of the alternate Michael as he attempts to take Dean as his vessel. After finding her, Eldon brutally murders her but is left empty-handed. After killing Arthur's men, a brainwashed Mary forces them to let Arthur go. In season 11's "Red Meat," the Winchesters take on a werewolf case in a national park to take a break from their conflict with the Darkness. With Lucifer locked up again and Lilith and Azazel dead, Ramiel is next in line to be the King of Hell. Afterwards, Crowley arrives and takes him away. Bobby tells Rufus that what was worse than killing her, was knowing that they never got past this argument. It's what it always should have been -- everyone happy, everyone together. Samuel is unapologetic when confronted by the brothers, though he did seem remorseful on it. Eileen Leahy, portrayed by Shoshannah Stern, is an Irish hunter and Men of Letters Legacy. After introducing himself, Abraxas possessed Frank and brutally beat Sarah and Nick's son, Teddy, to death with a hammer. After learning of Crowley going after the First Blade for the Winchesters, Rowena approaches Guthrie to get it for her. She writes Wincest fanfiction. She has a dragon killing sword - the Sword of Brunswick (or Braunschweig) - in her basement, which is stuck in a large rock. When Dean calls Kevin to get him to confirm their cover at a military base, Kevin succeeds by hacking into the person he is talking to's computer and blackmailing them. Rufus: Yeah.Bobby: Blessed by a Shinto priest?Rufus: I'm not an imbecile, Bobby.Bobby: Did you stab it 7 times?Rufus: 5 times.Bobby: It's 7!Rufus: No, I'm pretty sure it's 5. Possessing a young First Nations girl, Jael was exorcised by Asa. The nest was what Benny had belonged to before changing to good and he seeks revenge upon them for killing him. The Winchesters are shocked to realize that Chuck was God the whole time and God tells them they should talk. When Sam re-enters Dean's life in "Exile on Main Street", he reveals that he has been back for a year and hunting with the Campbells, including Gwen. Following the battle, Mick berates Arthur Ketch who had been trying to recruit Dean in his own way and was thus away during the battle. Sometime after that, he met Bobby Singer, who once saved his life in Port Huron. With Kaia having been trying to help the Winchesters open a door to another world, Claire realizes that a door to The Bad Place is still open. Ezekiel, in Dean's form, interrupts them, however, and Death allows them to talk, saying that it is Sam's choice if he lives or dies. After Metatron criticizes his writing, Chuck reveals to the shocked Metatron that he is in fact God, having taken on the form of Chuck Shurley to have a more hands-on role. Gaines is "bibbed", a form of punishment where he was forced to eat himself alive in a bib under Richard Roman's orders, since his experiments attracted the attention of the media. Rufus is a lover of the Johnnie Walker Blue Label, the most expensive version of the whiskey. "[13] With Crowley being largely absent from Hell and having been deeply affected by the incomplete demon cure forced on him by the Winchesters, the intimidating Abaddon ends up winning the nearly unanimous support of the other demons. Sam and Charlie decide not to destroy it but to put it away in a curse box, which will prevent anyone from tracking it down. [4] While the demon "tyrant" Azazel commands them in the first two seasons,[5] demons were the sole antagonists of the third season. She was first introduced in season 9's "Alex Annie Alexis Ann". Jesse and Cesar tell the Winchesters they have bought a horse farm in New Mexico they will retire to and Jesse is also a former EMT if they need another source of income. Eventually, Cain fell in love with a human woman, Colette, and gave up his evil ways for her, suppressing the Mark's influence on him to slaughter people. Unfortunately, Missouri could not tell what it was, just that it was "real evil". She bids her sleeping son goodbye and prepares to head out. Rufus died when Bobby, possessed by the Khan worm, stabbed him. Rufus aided Bobby in performing a ritual to bind the reaper after his soul. Now, dark Charlie has come to Earth seeking revenge for her parents deaths, good Charlie following to stop her. Crowley had a son named Gavin MacLeod, whose signet ring is on display in a museum in Andover. Well, I want to share it with you. The two are attacked by the werewolf who is revealed to be the friendly local bartender, Justin, who abducts Claire. While visiting Westborough, the son of Eleanor, who saw his mother possessed by a creature from Purgatory in 1937, Bobby sees a photo of the woman and realizes that it is the woman he knows as Eleanor Visyak. Bobby instructed Rufus to draw a sigil he once used against another Soul Eater but was captured. In "Pilot," on March 23, 1972, John returns home from fighting in the Vietnam War, having managed to enlist underage by forging Henry's signature on a waiver. The spell causes Raul's demon form to liquify which he chokes up out of his vessel's mouth, killing him. He decides to take her to the sandbox portal to Heaven, where Kelly and her child will die instantly but their souls will ascend to Heaven. As Michael prepares to leave, he returns control to Adam at Dean's request. The sigil never worked before, but once he completed it in the house the Soul Eater was trapped. Originally they believe the wife to be a ghost and salt and burn her body, but discover more murders of people by deceased loved ones, all connected to a grief counselor named Mia Vallens whose patients are closed-lipped about how she helps them achieve peace. I've always looked up to you. Barthamus is a Crossroads Demon portrayed by David Cubitt. After Arthur fails to kill Lucifer, Asmodeus unveils his newest acquisition: the Archangel Blade, the one weapon that can kill Lucifer. The angels call in an alternate reality Castiel to tear the information from Charlie's mind, but Sam, Dean, Mary, Jack and Castiel arrive to rescue them, killing all of the angels, including the alternate Castiel. After a failed intervention by Crowley's demons, Mary succeeds in stealing the Colt before Ramiel returns from night fishing. Having thought a string of recent murders was a human killer, Jody initially keeps Claire out of the case for that reason and then because Claire, who was in love with Kaia, is obsessed with revenge against her killer. Bobby, Sam, and Dean bury Rufus, as cremation is not undertaken in the Jewish tradition, in an unmarked grave in a Jewish cemetery, rather than being given a hunter's funeral pyre. While hunting a werewolf with Mick Davies of the British Men of Letters, the Winchesters learn that Claire is on the same hunt and they team up together. Supernatural features many recurring guests that help Sam Winchester and Dean Winchester with their hunts and quests. Receiving a prayer from Dean that they are ready to resurrect Jack, Castiel offers to trade himself for Jack to the Shadow, pointing out that it could be waiting eons for him otherwise. Jack immobilizes the werewolves using telekinesis and Sam and Dean kill them with silver bullets without a fight.
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