Comptroller, Illinois held an election for governor and lieutenant governor on November 8, 2022. After graduating from East Aurora High School, Irvin enlisted in the Army. letter-spacing: 0.03em; background-color: #ccc; if (typeof VoterInfobyState_Toggle === 'undefined') { The filing deadline was March 14, 2022. Elections in 2023 | .votebox-covid-disclaimer { In the general election, Pritzker won re-election with 54.9% of the vote, 0.4% better than he won in 2018. color: #aaa; RELATED | Darren Bailey polls show gubernatorial candidate trailing as he gets critical campaign funding boost, 'I need you to kill me': Alex Murdaugh's botched suicide attempt, IL gov urges Walgreens CEO to reconsider abortion pill policies, 2 men stabbed in River North fight: Chicago police. This is just classic and I still laugh about this comic strip many decades later. background-color: #003388; The Irvin-Bourne nominating petitions call themselves the Fight for Illinois Team. The address for their petition drive is Zolnierowiczs firm, Z Strategies, in Ravenswood. Bourne is an assistant Republican leader in the Illinois House, where shes served since February 2015. Irvin has vowed to encourage the hiring of more police officers throughout the state, and has also proposed legislation that would cut property taxes and to curtail government spending. display: table; Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. JB Pritzker and fired. The table below displays the historical trifecta status of the state. } font-style: italic; With the Illinois primary election rapidly approaching, campaigns are churning into high gear to help secure nominations for office in the state. Cities | letter-spacing: .04em; } } Is The Desantis Visit An Indication Of A Presidential Run For President padding-top: 3px; It serves no good if you pass a new law to solve a problem, but don't inspire or encourage the people to change their mentalities, attitudes, and approaches towards the problem. Eight Republicans and a Democratic primary challenger file to run for Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin, who is running for governor with state Rep. Avery Bourne, R-Morrisonville, as his running mate, received a $20 million donation from hedge fund billionaire Ken Griffin last month. The governor is focused on continuing to lead Illinois through these challenging times, building on his record of paying our bills on time and improving the states credit rating, investing in our roads, bridges and transportation infrastructure, and setting a national standard for action on climate that will bring down energy costs and create jobs.. } margin-right: 10px; The governor is popularly elected every four years and is not subject to any term limits. All this whole entire journey I have immersed myself in the culture of Illinois that I know nothing about," Bailey said. Six state executive offices were up for election in Illinois in 2022: Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Secretary of State Treasurer Comptroller Governor General election candidates J.B. Pritzker (Incumbent) (Democratic Party) Darren Bailey (Republican Party) Scott Mitchell Schluter (Libertarian Party) In addition, I continue to see more and more For Sale signs in yards that once belonged to friends/neighbors as both businesses and good people flock to greener pastures elsewhere. margin-bottom: 0px; } else { I believe a core responsibility of governor that is greatly overlooked, but essential to the long term health of a state is the ability to create a social/cultural environment that is conducive for the betterment of the people of that given state. } .votebox-scroll-container { } Apply today! Mr. Vallas, 69, enters the next stage of the race as the clear front-runner, but a candidate who has at times been dogged by ideological inconsistencies. Im voting for Brandon Johnson because instead of more police, hes focused on more mental health needs, she said. With the violence in Chicago, its going to take somebody that understands battlefield operations. Incumbent Illinois Governor JB Pritzker announced Monday that he will be running for re-election in November 2022. Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin jumped into the GOP Illinois primary for governor on Monday, becoming the fifth candidate to compete for the nomination to run against Democrat Gov. font-size: 12px; For additional information on candidate ballot access requirements in Illinois, click here. } chevron = $(this).find('i.fa-pull-right'); Four years ago, Ms. Lightfoot made history as the first Black woman to be elected mayor of Chicago when she swept all 50 of the citys wards. We need people who represent us.. How long did you have it? The results have been certified. As a result, I am running a write in campaign that is only attacking our problems. If the presidency was decided the same way Trump would have lost handily both times. background-color: #003388; She ran for office to the Chicago City Council in the citys 28th Ward in 2019. .question-scroll-container { According to a campaign website that also launched . Bailey blamed Gov. color: #0645ad; The table below details demographic data in Illinois and compares it to the broader United States as of 2019. .votebox-results-cell--check { Here's Who is Running for Illinois Governor in the 2022 Election color:white; .votebox-results-metadata-p { color: white; .votebox { SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WLS) -- Illinois state Sen. Darren Bailey, who has been highly critical of Gov. .electionsectionheading { .question-scroll-container { if (chevron.hasClass('fa-chevron-down')) { font-size: 0.9em; With an endorsement from the local Fraternal Order of Police, he has run an aggressive campaign arguing that he can make the city safer, calling for bolstering the police force, improving arrest rates for serious crimes and expanding charter schools. } .mw-body #mw-content-text .votebox .race_header h3.votebox-header-office-name { But it also demonstrated the uniquely Chicago peril of leading the city with no natural base or ward to count on for loyal support in tough times: Ms. Lightfoot, an Ohio native, had never held elective office before becoming mayor. On the South Side, Lindsay Ramirez, a 47-year-old medical worker and Lightfoot supporter, said crime would continue to be a problem for Chicago, no matter who won the election. If so, was a photo or non-photo ID required? He was first elected to office in 2020. Any edits made by Ballotpedia will be clearly marked with [brackets] for the public. } I stand here with my head held high and a heart full of gratitude, Ms. Lightfoot said. } background: #4c4c4c; .image-candidate-thumbnail { } margin-bottom: 25px; We passed an amendment making alcohol illegal but made no effort to reach the hearts and the minds of the people. display: none; The sitting governor has yet to formally announce hell run to hold his seat in 2022, though its widely considered an inevitability especially since he dumped $35 million into his campaign fund earlier this year. Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago Loses Her Bid for Re-election, Businessman Gary Rabine touts his experiences in the formation of more than 30 small businesses throughout the state on his campaign website, and has proposed legislation that would help encourage investment and job creation in Illinois. We need new blood, new ideas, he said, adding that he likes the look of Mr. Johnson. A governor is the top executive authority in his or her state. z-index:1; .votebox { I am excited that he has decided to join the race, and look forward to the opportunity to meet him and learn more about his ideas in the weeks ahead., Pritzkers campaign spokesperson Natalie Edelstein said in a statement, the people of Illinois do not want a repeat of the Bruce Rauner years of disastrous mismanagement and policies that set our state back. A police officer cast his vote at a polling site in the South Side neighborhood of Beverly. Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey, Illinois gubernatorial and lieutenant gubernatorial election, 2018, The Cook Political Report's Partisan Voter Index, List of United States Senators from Illinois, Lieutenant Governor of Illinois official website, District of Columbia (board of education), States with gubernatorial recall provisions, Comparison of lieutenant gubernatorial salaries, State executive officials serving in home states, Ken Carbullido, Vice President of Election Product and Technology Strategy,,_2022&oldid=8947594, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function, Conflicts in school board elections, 2021-2022, Special Congressional elections (2023-2024), 2022 Congressional Competitiveness Report, State Executive Competitiveness Report, 2022, State Legislative Competitiveness Report, 2022, Partisanship in 2022 United States local elections. .inner_percentage.Green { font-style: italic; line-height: 1.5em; The results of that poll, in a word: Oof. Governor of Illinois - Run for Office State legislature | What was the absentee/mail-in ballot return deadline? border-top: 1px solid #ccc; padding-top: 30px !important; } When the pandemic broke out, her and the governor shut Chicago down, said Ms. Marie, a retired department store worker. My number one goal is to make Illinois debt free. Please forgive me if I sound like a broken record. font-style: italic; } But Ms. Lightfoot appeared to have made more enemies than friends as mayor, struggled to find support on the City Council and gained a reputation as a pugilistic and mercurial leader. font-size: 12px; } Chicago mayoral runoff election: Which candidates are in? align-items:center; She also entered the United States Army in 1999 and retired as a major in the service in 2014. background-color: #003388; Who is running for governor of Illinois? Darren Bailey lives in Ms. Lightfoot, whose victory four years ago also made her the first openly gay person to lead Chicago, was challenged on the campaign trail by residents unimpressed with her handling of crime, an issue that loomed above all others in the campaign. The Republican lost to disgraced ex-Gov. J.B. Pritzker/Julianna Stratton Pritzker was elected governor in 2018 after defeating incumbent Gov. And if we keep denying there's problems the problems are going to get worse. padding-bottom: 7px; Data from the city's Board of Elections has not yet made it clear who among . (E. $(window).on('resize',resizeChevron); The incumbent governor and lieutenant governor, first-term Democrats J. She said the key issues of her platform include supporting Medicare for all and reparations for descendants of slaves, as well as tamping down gun violence. background-color: #003388; Ms. Lightfoot, who is the first sitting mayor in Chicago since 1989 to lose re-election, said in a concession speech late Tuesday that she will be rooting and praying for our next mayor to deliver for the people of this city for years to come.. Ives backs Bailey for governor, taking jabs at GOP primary rival Irvin } Paul Vallas spoke to supporters on Tuesday night after besting Ms. Lightfoot and advancing to the April runoff. font-size: 12px; top: 2px; The primary was scheduled for June 28, 2022. An elected official must always remember that he or she is a public servant. Miles is . the Emancipation Proclamation, the Gettysburg Address, etc.) } } J.B. Pritzker faces off against Republican State. padding-left: 8px; letter-spacing: .03em; border-radius: 50%; Below, four categories are used to describe each county's voting pattern over the 2012, 2016, and 2020 presidential elections: Solid, Trending, Battleground, and New. chevron.addClass('fa-chevron-down'); (Note: Gubernatorial candidates are listed first, with their picks for lieutenant governor listed second). text-align: left !important; } .race_footer { Governor JB Pritzker was sworn in as the 43rd Governor of Illinois on Jan. 14, 2019. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. At a polling place on Tuesday, Serena Mascio, 40, said she moved to Chicago from the suburbs in 2017 and was voting for mayor in the city for the first time.
   .placeholder {}        text-align: center !important; 	.image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { Ms. Lightfoot had pointed to investments in long-neglected neighborhoods and made the case that the city had emerged from the pandemic in a strong position. Now, I want to serve the great state of Illinois, Miles said during a campaign kickoff Thursday morning at Kells Park, announcing her Democratic primary bid against Gov. 	} 		font-weight: 100; It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. 		color: #888; [1] [2] 		padding-left: 0; The table below details filing requirements for gubernatorial candidates in Illinois in the 2022 election cycle. 	} 		display: block; Justin L. Fowler/The State Journal-Register via AP) ORG XMIT: ILSPR612, The State Journal-Register/Distributed by the Associated Press. 		overflow-y: hidden; widget_load_check_dom() The Republican field to potentially face Pritzker in the general election is even more crowded, with six candidates on that ballot. In 2021, Governor Pritzker proposed and signed a comprehensive clean energy bill, making Illinois a national leader on climate action and the first state in the Midwest to pass a law phasing out fossil fuels. 	.percentage_number { J.B. Pritzker  defeated incumbent Bruce Rauner, William McCann, and Grayson Jackson in the  general election for Governor of Illinois on November 6, 2018. 				overflow-y: auto; a[aria-expanded=true] .fa-chevron-right { Incumbent J.B. Pritzker won election in the general election for Governor of Illinois. His undergraduate degree is from Robert Morris University, and his law degree is from the Northern Illinois University School of Law. Personal PAC President and CEO Terry Cosgrove said in a statement that Irvin and Bourne present a clear threat to the progress weve made in Illinois to enshrine reproductive rights into law and protect the fundamental right to choose., The DGA was ready for Irvin. 		top: 0px; Federal courts | Grayson Jackson  defeated Matthew Scaro and Jon Stewart in the  Libertarian primary for Governor of Illinois on March 20, 2018. 		padding-bottom: 0px; } In 2020, Joe Biden handily beat Donald Trump in every collar county except McHenry. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Pritzker saved lives and livelihoods by prioritizing the health and safety of Illinois residents while supporting families and businesses through the COVID-induced recession. 	.race_header.democratic { 	.mw-content-ltr td.votebox-results-cell--text, The drastically different team is built around its All-Star cornerstone, and new players will match her intensity, West Side nurse launches primary bid against Pritzker, aiming to become Illinois first Black woman governor, called for hospitals to bolster supplies of personal protective equipment, Aiming to predict COVID, future pandemics better, CDC opens infectious diseases forecasting center, Unmasked transit: Pritzker ends mask mandates in public transportation, airports. Irvins viability hinges on getting the support of billionaire Ken Griffin, and Irvins team has signaled that may be in the works. We are still here as a country and it would be unimaginable for someone to move to make slavery legal in modern society in our country. function widget_load_check_dom(){ 		padding-left: 0; 		letter-spacing: 0.03em; 				max-height: 580px; Who is running for governor of Illinois? width: 50px; Were all voters required to present ID at the polls? 	.inner_percentage.CrossFiled { The Democrats labeled the Irvin-led slate  the Griffin slate, and hope the name sticks. 	 	.votebox_legend .non_result_row { } else { U.S. President | 		border-radius: 50%; In the days leading up the election, Ms. Lightfoot remained hopeful that she would secure a spot in the runoff, despite a clear loss in support. There is enough pain and suffering and bitterness and division in society today. Rising above the political fray, I intend to tap into five pillars of society---government, businesses, charities, educational institutions, and religious bodies---to forge a united front to address eliminating the state debt, making Illinois the number one magnet in the Midwest for investment and business creation and expansion, the number destination in the Midwest for study abroad opportunities, and a state with a reputation in which anyone---and I do mean anyoneregardless of whatever difference real or perceived from mainstream society---can have his or her dreams, hopes, goals, aspirations, and ambitions become a reality. margin-top: 5px; Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin has made a big entry into the gubernatorial race, running advertisements attacking bills that ended cash bail in the state, as well as criticizing the governor for an increase in violence in the city of Chicago. Bailey is a farmer who serves in the Illinois State Senate. Griffin has said he is all in to defeat Pritzker; he faced a problem in that none of the other men already in the GOP primary state Sen. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia; former state Sen. Paul Schimpf, R-Waterloo; and business executives Gary Rabine of Bull Valley and Jesse Sullivan of Petersburg  were seen as capable of beating the governor. Illinois now has the largest growth in small business creation among the largest states in the nation, beating states like California, Texas, Florida and New York. Operations: Meghann Olshefski  Mandy Morris  Kelly Rindfleisch During the run-up to the primary election, Pritzker has touted his administrations handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as his commitment to bringing fiscal responsibility back to the state, with several agencies bumping up the states credit rating and lawmakers passing a balanced budget on his watch. Each person has more than enough of his or her own personal problems.    .census-table-widget { Incumbent Juliana Stratton  won election  in the  general election for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois. What do you perceive to be your state's greatest challenges over the next decade? 		.race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { ", SEE ALSO | Darren Bailey calls Chicago a 'hellhole' as Republicans rally at Illinois State Fair. Irvins challenge will be to win support from conservatives who dont like party-hopping when they have other options. 		color: #6db24f; 	} Central Illinois venture capitalist Jesse Sullivan, who launched a bid for the Republican nomination for governor, is seen Sept. 10, 2021. 	} 		font-size: 12px; Following his tenure at CPS, Vallas ran for governor of Illinois as a Democrat.Vallas placed second in the Democratic primary in March 2002, losing to then Rep. Rod Blagojevich and running ahead of former state attorney general Roland Burris.. 2010 elections possible candidacies. 	.image-candidate-thumbnail-wrapper .image-candidate-thumbnail { 		z-index:1; Use the table below to view the total number of each type of county in Illinois following the 2020 election as well as the overall percentage of the state population located in each county type. 	.race_header.democratic {