when Philippe asks if he were to die, her troubles would be solved. And then of course, Philippe rapes her (only the once? Im genuinely curious to know why you consider Philippe the victim and Henriette the traitor in that relationship. So to me, this indicates hes still quite scared. I let a wolf back into my barn! Montcourts hand slides to his hip, Marchal sees this (good Chief of Police *pets his pretty head*) and Montcourt still denies, Louis accuses him of poisoning Henriette. She is simply besotted with Louis, so in love, that shed do anything he told her to. Previously, we see Masson offer the same bottle offered to Louis when the king is sick (and Masson reels off a list of ingredients), and the bottle being secretively replaced, so Masson definitely did not know it was poisoned. And who can blame her? Philippe weeps. Point 7: Chevalier moves in on Henriette the moment her husbands back is turned. I like the show, the actors and the plot. Moreover, two years later, Louis invited Lorraine back to court and into the royal favour, which he would not have done had he believed Lorraine was the murderer. UHGGH. In every possible way. .. now, I am not saying that Colbert is implying Philippe poisoned his wife, but it sure sounds like it. Therefore, my thoughts are strictly about the characters. The Dauphin hides stealthy behind a tree, looking for Rohan. She could have answered with an honest yes but she evades the question. Or survival. he starts to pace: here comes the lecture. Yep. Its stoic. He is genuinely happy to see the Chevalier and shows it. They are singing. Minor detail maybe, but not sure if that doesnt change the meaning of the next bit somewhat? Cats with nine lives. Dieu. Versailles Altadefinizione Stagione 3 Episodio 10 Streaming Ita Toodles. Montcourt denies it: No, Sire. In the early hours of 30 June, she died. You clever, clever bastard. Louis turns in slow-mo, the expression on his face revealing nothing. IDK??? What? Did not see this one coming! the kiss between the Chevalier and Philippe happens after the war, after Philippe has seen Louis bring Henriette to the front. It was total and raw and real and I wept long and bitter tears for him. People lived for it, and reputations and lives could be ruined with one well-placed rumour. Lot of time on my hands at the momentLULZ. Is he for or against le roi? This really shows he is vulnerable. There is no change. I do think it is out-of-character for the Philippe we know and love on the show, not just historically inaccurate, to force himself on her. It would be an outrageous thought. She is in such a tizzy that she barely gives her daughter, Sophie, the. And Louis is left in the salon, framed by the door, the guards, and looking incredibly vulnerable and alone. she was the one who found it, actually. They walk into a salon, where Montcourt is playing cards, and everyone suddenly stops talking when Marchal meets the mans eye. As Mme de Svign wrote: She was taken ill and died within eight hours, and we have lost with her all the joy, all the charm and all the pleasures of the Court. Louis and her smile about it. and to Marchal in his office, interrogating Montcourt. Her confessor, however, urged her to accuse no one but to make her death an offering to God. Anyway, back to the story. Princess Henriette was born on 16 June 1644, on the eve of the Second Battle of Newbury during the Civil War, at Bedford House in Exeter, a seat of William Russell, 5th Earl of Bedford (1613-1700), who had recently returned to the Royalist side. But in context, with everything else going on in the show and with what Philippe deals with, I can understand why he did it. So thats why I believe that the most that Louis felt for Henriette was that he only loved her a little or to some degree but not enough. God knows the wolves might have taken us but what did we know? My greatest issue with Henriette is that she seems to lack any personality. But I still dont get why he doesnt just dob them both in.? Theyve always known. Though it was true that he was saddened by Henriettes death, I dont felt that he was actually that hell bent on punishing those who were or at least believed to be responsible for her death, due to the lack of evidence among other factors. You said Horrible man. Should Claudine be villified for showing up her father? Much later, the courtier Saint-Simon offered his own thoughts. Claudine tries to give her something for the pain but she wont swallow, her throat is closing up. Thatd do it. Versailles recap: episode eight - from la petite mort to une grande I think this comes down to loyalty one would assume the Kings guard would be fiercely loyal to the crown so no one would suspect any plotting. Saint-Simon asserted that Louis was so thankful that his brother was innocent of the crime that he decided not to prosecute the perpetrators. She stays. Philippe: And so do I.. but the show never uses his name, referring to him only as his title of Chevalier, probably to avoid confusion . He feels betrayed. Yes, she says and does little things that hurt Philippe, but he does the same and muchoh so much!worse to her. We now see Philippe, so resigned, with tears down his cheeks, then Louis with a no, this is NOT happening. look on his face, eyes still dry. Henriette 12 episodes, 2015-2017 Anatole Taubman . She is used by the king to hurt his brother. I love this show <3. He sent poison to Paris, where it passed through several hands before ending up in the jug containing the chicory water. While your character and scene analyses tend to differ quite a bit from my own (perhaps because of that?? Philippe: my brother always trusted you. Claudine: I am honoured. Philippe whispers: I dont believe I know what it feels like. .. Emo Philippe, so dark and tortured! Around 5pm on 29th June Henriette drank chicory water, then keeled over saying Ah! I was highly frustrated with the artistic liberties the authors took, and some just pretty much made up shit, totally contrary to history . This is who they truly are in this one moment of grief. Back with the sick princess and Claudine is fiddling with potions while Henriette writhes and vomits blood. I am really liking Sophies growth as a character, who is, of course, beautiful, but with attitude and a strong backbone, as we are now seeing. So, he loves Henrietta as a friend, or simply to rival his brother? BRILLIANT acting. The first one we ever played in, says Philippe. Now that *would* be naive. First off let me say that I absolutely love your reviews of Versailles, Ms. Jules. The Queen rushes to her side as she collapses and Louis commands Bontemps to fetch his doctor. Coming from the quills of noted showrunners David Wolstencroft and Simon Mirren, both known for gripping series with a conspiratorial bent (i.e. Well, my thought is Philippe angrily claiming his conjugal rights may well have happened before. Im going to be stalking these recaps in the arduous wait for season two. And suddenly Marchal has his ah-HA moment. for Season 2. Eww. *The only voice, your own. I neglected to include the phrase in my opinion. Back to Henriette, who is now laid out on a bed, hair done, powdered and dressed in her finest gown. It was just how it was. Says you made me marry him. Marchal replies in that cool way of his: we eliminate the suspects. Colbert: eliminating the suspects doesnt mean the same to me as it does to you! Lol. But for that one unforgivable act, I could have felt real sympathy for that walking, talking mess of dysfunction. Especially as her lover was the king. even if it turned out his brother was the poisoner. Duchess Henriette becomes suddenly ill when she returns from a visit to her brother in England. Both of them were in love with other people when they were forced to marry and they both were aware of that. How can you be scared? (sweet Philippe!) Maybe that is where she got the poison she used on Fabien? Im leaving. Louis: You would defy me, even in this moment? Philippe: I know what this moment is. Louis steps to his brother and the camera frames them between the crossed pikes, a familiar movie making technique that focuses your eye solely on them, and also creates powerful imagery of two strong men, between weapons, taking opposite views. I was searching online for reviews/explanations of this show I was never educated about Frances history because I come from the other side of the globe and coincidentally stumbled upon your website, much to my delight. What a pain! Snake! There is, replies Louis. Bontemps suddenly appears; Henriette has been calling. And if you reread my words very carefully, you might realise that I never once touched on the legality of it. YAAAAAY! Another suggestion is that she had porphyria, although she displayed none of its symptoms. For the record, I dont think Henriette would actually like to see Philippe die, but she would like to be shot of him. Philippe replies, almost resignedly: Im not asking for permission. I am sobbing. But not at the hands of Henriette, who really had little power in the situation. My biggest problem with Henriette/Louis is that I find it highly doubtful that Louis would have sex with her. [4] However, Madeleine de Foix, Gaston's mother, defends her son at the salon, but when facing banishment, she stabs Fabien, almost killing him. Louis persists. I have some questions. Husbands have being raping their wives since time began from royalty down to peasants and it was classed as taking their marital rights . Henriettes liver and intestines were found to be badly corrupted, while her duodenum, gall bladder and the lower portion of her abdomen were filled with evil-smelling bile. In reality it only took a very short time for the plan to take full effect. Henriette says to Philippe: Im sorry. PERFECT. but it is later, after they already speak with the guards in the background. But his family and France are divided. She is subject to the whims and wishes of her king and lover, of her husband and even of her husbands lover. I am tired of waiting for you to keep it, says the Queen casually as she gets into bed with Louis then settles down. Nomie Schmidt, finally royal in 'Versailles' - TV Show Patrol It was quite the method du jour to get rid of a person, as the series has shown. Dance. As her husband, Philippe, rushed to her bedside, Henriette chided him, Alas, Monsieur, it is a long time since you loved me, but this is unjust. Alerted, Henriettes lady-in-waiting watched the duke closely, but he showed no indication of guilt and every sign that he was distressed by his wifes condition. The camera hovers over the prone Henriette then pans up from the bed, like we are her soul being released from her body. Rohan. Bontemps is still confused: you told us Montcourt was to blame. How can he be so sure? But his treatment of her does make me think, rather than an actual person, the writers have quite subtly used her as a tool: she is the only person Philippe can take his frustrations out on he knows she loves Louis, and at that point Louis is still very much in love with her Philippe knows this, and punishes Louis the only way he can, but punishing his mistress. It was Season 1. At least thats always been his excuse. (aaaand check out the looks on Louis and Bontemps faces as I randomly paused right here. But of course, she wants to know what happened to her mother in exchange for that information. Your closest confidants told you to look elsewhere! Her breath falters: Im scared. And the look on Louis and Philippes faces as they both lean in to comfort her *sobs* Philippe says gently: There is nothing to fear. Henriette: How do you know? Philippe: do you remember before you were born? See production, box office & company info. It is clear these two have a long relationship and are not allowing a small (read: large) thing as marriage get in the way. Philippe looks up to Louis with wet puppy eyes, Louis looks at Philippe, his all flinty and hard. I have never posted a comment on your website before and this will be the first time that I have ever written a comment here. We must get the king and the queen and yourself to safety at once. And the penny drops for Bontemps, his look of dismay so clear. ), (*WTF. (since you mention here she is his love). The Mysterious Death of Henriette, Duchesse dOrlans, Toad Testicles, Foul-Beard and Broad-Arse. She has no one to keep him at bay but the king, if he chooses. Mainly wanted to know about Chevalier after last weeks tearful declaration of love. And Louis coming out the good guy. We found an old building a sorry shack made of stone and moss. It can be quite shocking to us, but pretty much most children died before adulthood people mourned, mirrors were covered and a service held, but some didnt wait more than a few days before picking themselves up and going off to the next party or ball or soiree. Love your delicious commentary, brava! You can read more about Henriettas death here. Why should we fault Henriette for not ending her incestuous relationship with her brother-in-law, the king, but Philippe can be forgiven for continuing his homosexual relationship with the Chevalier? Philippe had a relationship with the man he loved while Henriette continued to sleep with the man she loved. That is exactly what I would be thinking. He advances on Montcourt, who is looking a little shell shocked. My sources tell me that sadly, we will have to wait until March 2017 (Yes, NEXT YEAR!!!) Ill tell you, though, that, like you, I totally adore Philippe in this series, the actor is great and some King/brother interaction is well done. You, me, Henriette. I especially like the pairing of her and Marchal. Louis looks strained, says: I do not regret sending her. The two Ms still fight, and Louis approaches, holding the poker. Fashion. Bontemps wants to move her she cannot stay in the Kings bed. but Claudine says she cannot be moved. Queen Marie-Thrse noted that everyone was talking about Henriettes death and the manner of it. They fear she might have been poisoned, so King Louis XIV shuts all access To Versailles. UGH, technology! Louis was deathly afraid of the more relaxed, popular and fun-loving Monsieur, who gave great parties, was social and everyone wanted to be around. Just because women were denied their personhood does not mean they were not human beings who felt as any human being might feel. AAAAAAHHH. Louis drops the poker, approaches Montcourt. She seems like she has genuinely been brought in as a main character simply to drive the wedge deeper between Louis and Philippe, but not contribute anything herself to most of her scenes! The rape scene was repugnant and Phillipes actions were out of character with the Phillipe we saw in the rest of the season. And just like that, the light dims in his eyes, his face twists and his zealotry is gone. First of all, ladies, stop spewing vitriol. And Philippe says calmly and quietly: There. Ive mentioned before that his intimate interactions with women in the show are used as a form of punishment towards those who have hurt him Louis (with Louise and Henriette) and the Chevalier (with the maid). Bontemps is a little freaked: Th-this is highly irregular, your Majesty. But the IDGAF expression on the Queens face is priceless. He was a noble, he knew the rules.) He is always the king, while Philippe gives his emotions (somewhat) free rein. b) To show a glimpse of vulnerability for Henriette because for all her power, she is still the property of her husband and can be treated as such. Louis stares out the window in the antechamber, servants bring in food, but Marchal suspects poisoning and sends it back until its safety can be confirmed. Similarly, perforation of the gall bladder may have led to an excess of bile leaking into the peritoneum causing the corruption and gangrene reported by her doctors. You! He points and accusing finger. Or twenty, I suppose. Spooks), it was no surprise when this drama arrived with a hearty dollop of sex, violence, tension, and intrigue. Another grabs him, covers his mouth, and more appear to shoot a guard. Last scene, with Louis silent and stoic, standing on a stone that overlooks a glorious view of the forest with Versailles in the distance. Thank you. No context is provided about who he is, no indication he is married. In Ep 3, I believe this is the first time we see the painting, it is in Louiss chambers, to the left of the fireplace on an easel on the floor. BRILLIANT acting. We cut to the forest, to the two Kings Guards in their blue livery, leaning by a tree as Rohan and little Louis still mock fight. poison, death and departures Versailles episode 10. Would you villify a slave because he hated his master or ran away simply because slavery was accepted at that time and slaves (much like women, little difference there) were considered nothing more than the property of their masters to do with as they please (again, just as a woman was to her husband)? Thank you! Im no Henriette fan, but Im so sorry, no, Philippe did not win the victim sweepstakes in that marriage. Is anyone else hoping Fabien takes her under his wing?