WILCOX COUNTY, ALABAMA. One article I found about Kedars preaching style was written in 1917 by W.B. So, I have been doing long distance research all these years with a few trips to Alabama when I can. Thank you all for honoring his legacy. In his community he served various organizations through the years. The play opens a four-night run February 6 in Claremont. It was reprinted in the Alabama Genealogical Societys Volume 20 Nos 3 & 4, 1988 magazine, pages 109-110. Congratulations also goes out to WHS members Mitchell and Jennifer Britt whose Huntsville home is featured in the current Christmas issue of Victoria Magazine. I will be back in the Black Belt next week. My 3x great grandmother, Maggie, was married to Junious Harris. Rosemary, then known simply as The Mathews Place was inherited by nephew Frank Cade in 1897. Those present were: Mrs. J.S. Madeline and Hannah are coming back and they have added concert dates in Camden to their schedule! With your help we will make this years Tour another success. McWilliams and family, have moved from their plantation into the home vacated by Mr. Martin. Tickets are available online (see link below) and will be available for purchase the day of the Tour and Friday beginning at 5:00 pm. I have to thank Katie Summerville, our grant writer, for helping us prepare the application. Dr. Dumas is the Associate Professor of Anthropology at the University of West Alabama in Livingston. Your donation is tax deductible. We saw Bettys many quilts, then ate a delicious supper there, along with their famous Black Bottom Pie. Wilcox County is home to Roland Cooper State Park, Lake Dannelly, and Bridgeport Beach. R. Grear, Arkansas. During the years of the Civil War there were a number of families at the river landing and out in the hills about two miles away. She was a lovely person with a heart of gold and an energetic and unique personality that made her loved and admired by so many. The Club was named the Century Club. Frank went to Clarke County. Data Collections; Sorted by Wilcox dictionaries, encyclopedias & reference. Chris Bailey has done an outstanding job in overseeing this project. (To be continued in the WHS Winter newsletter.). In 1978 she published My Family History and Memoirs for our family after years of genealogy research and the year she died, 1989, she completed a History of Pine Apple Wilcox County, Alabama 1815-1989 with Robert A. Smith, III. The library was opened April 17, 1927 at a cost of $1,235.79 with no outstanding debts. With your help we will not only add the much-needed restroom facilities, but we can complete the restoration of the upstairs/bell tower and add the original wing to the building as well. Clarence Watford came home from Shreveport with his father. Mrs. Turberville of Century, Fla., spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. Streit last week. These are some of the debts, instinctive and cultivated that Queen Elizabeth II owes to her grandfather and they have helped make her a descendant and successor of whom he could feel thoroughly proud. Land for Sale. What a lovely, rural town, beautiful homes, buildings and countryside, everywhere in the area. Jerry. An elaborate turkey dinner was served. While there we were impressed at the history and age of things around us. You did not seem able to take in any point of view but your own. THE MMFAS DESCRIPTION In the early 19th century, the American South was the destination for the earliest settlers who ventured from the Eastern seaboard to what was then considered to be the west to find land and opportunity. Thank you all for your hard work, time, and investment. Thank you for all you do for the wonderful organization! A Christmas Musical Service will be held at 6:00 pm at the newly restored Bethsaida Baptist Church, circa 1860, in Furman. The speakers included the present owner, Brock Jones and Mason McGowin, a descendant of the Mathews family and Carter Fowlkes, a descendant of the Mathews-Cade family. The cast of characters are as follows: Alen Martin, Windsor Stillwell, Mrs. Hawkins, Clarice Mize, Alice Lynn, Edith Pettie, Abe Lynn, Jadie Garrett, Denny ONeal, Young Moore, Tom Rogers, Ollie Stillwell, Sam Rogers, Louis Pierce, John Rogers, Fred Pettie, Harry Rogers, S.E. A fence is maintained around the cemetery. Sadly, my grandfather was working and couldnt go with the man. Although he is not buried here, his son, Wherrit D. (Wherry) Lewis is. Robbin (Dudley) Klemm and Mike Klemm, three grandsons and brother, Harold (Hal) Watts Grimes. Direct descendants of these original settlers have continued to own homes and property in Furman. Lady Carnarvon will share a glass of champagne and conversation at historic Wakefield Plantation, with Royal Guests prior to Friday Evenings Welcome Reception. This was later raised to $200.00 a year. They visited Wilcox County during the summer of 2017. Owner in 1937 - Mrs. F. L. Cade. B. F. Riley that Kedar had baptized more than 4,500 believers in his useful career that spanned 50 years. We both have fallen in love with Camden and all the new friends we have. During the war Miss Sellers was with the USO and did the choreography for the USO show, About Face. James and I renovated Greenleaves in 2005 and live there part time and in Montgomery part time. I hope to visit the county courthouse in Camden to look for records soon. Welcome to rural southwest Alabama. I am looking for contact info for Snow Hill Institute. Spencer, and others. Miss Rubye who was the first woman in Alabama to be elected county tax collector and the only woman in Wilcox County to be elected to public office, so far, was Wilcox County tax collector for 14 years, 1934-1948, following the death of her husband, William Francis McWilliams, Wilcox County tax collector in 1934. The information about the Wilcox Female Institute at Camden was taken from Mrs. M.E. Allen Glover, a native of, Plantation founded by Joseph Gee, a native of, Built 1845, also known as the Green Underwood House, Underwood-Mayo Home, "A frame residence of eight rooms, one of the first homes of so pretentious forms in that country,", Built 1830; Also known as the Welch-Averiett House, Built 1860, also known as the Tait-Starr Plantation, This page was last edited on 25 February 2023, at 00:46. Front - Rosemary House Plantation - March 24, 1937, Photographer Alex Bush South End of Hall- March 24, 1937, Photographer Alex Bush If you know of anyone I can call, please let me know. McGowin Lumber Company in Pine Apple. The speaker for the afternoon will be Jeff Mansell of Natchez, Mississippi. Built from 184550 for William S. Mudd, a native of Kentucky. In the establishment of the library, we thank all the members but especially Mrs. Matheson for her interest and leadership. The Rev. Banks. Youll read them and all about it in the papers, of course. Kedar was a staunch supporter of the Temperance Movement and was the chaplain of Wilcox Temple of Honor, No. The Club helped sponsor the building of sidewalks from town to school. Kimbrough is an unincorporated community in Wilcox County, Alabama, United States, [1] located near Pine Hill on State Route 5 . Now supported by a growing collection of artifacts, Dr. Dumas and the University of West Alabama team are convinced they are within a few miles of finding the site of the town and the infamous battle. She was past 90. I was wondering if someone at the Wilcox Historical Society could help me with this location.I have found information on the Fox Mill Plantation and wondered if there was some area connection. The concert will feature a Harp Quintet including performers on Violin, Viola, and Cello in addition to Wilcox County favorites Madeline Cawley, Flute and Hannah Cope Johnson, Harp. The railroad reached Camden in 1902, bringing in new citizens and putting new life into the old so that much of the town is now new with continued improvements, and very much of the credit for bringing this railroad to Camden is due to the efforts of Hon. And welcome to new Life Members Scott Mitchell and Mary Martin of Montgomery! Look for it to be announced in their July/August Issue. It was white and pink-eyed, indicating that it was an albino, and weighed 235 pounds. Annual dues are $30 for a couple, $25 for single. Watch out for dividends and surplus and the advance of stock on the market. RIVERDALE PLANTATION Dallas County, Alabama . You know, if youll just stand around there, youll see everybody in Montgomery. Frank Cade Jr. moved back into Rosemary in 1968 until his own death in 1987. ft., two bedrooms, with a queen bed in one room and two sets of bunk beds in the other room. In addition to the matching fund campaign, we received a $37,500 grant last month from the Alabama Historical Commission to help us restore the Institute! Bigger, J.B. In 1848 a board of citizens made up subscriptions for the construction of the building to be known as The Wilcox County Female Institute. It was built by slave labor and the bricks used throughout were made from the clay in the space now used as the athletic field of Wilcox County High School. [15] The public schools are effectively all-Black. Here are a few inquiries and comments received since our last newsletter: Hello, I have been working on genealogy. The meeting was held at the Wilcox Female Institute with a reception afterwards. Historic American Buildings Survey, C. & Matthews, P. (1933) Rosemary House & Plantation Store, State Route 28 vicinity, Millers Ferry, Wilcox County, AL. The kitchen is fully stocked with dishes, pots and pans and utensils. I have to thank our Vice President, Garland Smith, for meeting me in Montgomery to help pitch the concept to the Council. There are federal censuses publicly available for 1830, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890 (Perry County only), 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930, and 1940. Pictured at left is the Grimes family about 1912 on the front steps of Greenleaves. My name is Heather, and I am reaching out to ask about the Seale Plantation house (Moss Hill.) As you know, Highclere Castle is one of the most notable homes in the world and Lady Carnarvon has been integral in its preservation. That opened a whole lot of possibilities. FELIX TAIT PLANTATION. Some locations in this table may have been corrected to current GPS standards. She was married to Jake Till. Mrs. Seale, the wife of the Methodist preacher, was also an active leader but she left Pine Apple in January. We look forward to sharing it with all of you. On August 21, 1930, the Duchess gave birth to another daughter, who was named Margaret Rose. After the 1893 marriage of my great grandfather, William Henry Grimes to Josephine Watts, the home was remodeled adding the three front gables and two front rooms and porches with gingerbread trim. [1] It was built for James Asbury Tait by two enslaved African Americans, Hezekiah and Elijah. We noticed R. Harriss, of Pineapple, on the streets yesterday. She would be amazed today and by bearing her name (and I cherish this) I am proud to be a member. Family stories tell me Ida may have died from birth complications or fever. We are by far the largest civic organization in Wilcox County. A special and exclusive whistle, a sort of trade-mark for each boat, elicited great pride and envy among captains and pilots, while a calliope if the boat were prosperous enough to own one furnished gay tunes for dockings and farewells or any festive occasion.